The Advantages Of 360 Degree Product Photography

360 Product Photography Advantages

The 360 Degree Product Photography REVOlution 

In the quest to elevate the customer experience, high quality visuals with 360 product photography are extremely important for online retailers. Web-based retail firms that have used 360 spins to showcase their products online see the fruits of their labor immediately via increased sales and decreased returns. Unbelievably, few organizations have actually implemented these services for their eCommerce sales pages. REVO’s patented Vida Studio system is an industry proven and dependable method to capture, edit and upload 360 product photography to your platform of choice. 

Sell More Of Your Product

91% of customers want to see 360 spins.  Having high quality 360 product views on your site is a known way to drive sales up.  People pay more attention to the interactive experience and what you are selling.  Your product will stand out among others and shine in the crowd. 


Start Ending Returns 

Returns are costly, plain and simple. Nearly a third of all products sold online end up returned. 360 Product Photography establishes a higher level of understanding and trust with the user, bringing a higher level of confidence in their purchase. 360 product photography lessens product returns without the need to change any company policy. REVO’s clientele benefit from up to a 45% decrease in returns on a product that uses 360 photography. 

Increased Page View / Dwell Time 

Customers often forget page dwell time and its correlation to SEO rankings. The more time spent per page the more visibility it will have in search results. When using 360 degree product photography, customers are able to more deeply interact with an image, spending more time on your page. The 360 degree product photography experience keeps customers on your sales page longer, bumping your page organically in search engines. REVO’s customers experience a 15% and up increase in page view duration using 360 product spins. This is a substantial uptick.  An engaging and enlightening experience provides them the confidence to make informed decisions leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Improve Your Bounce Rate 

Higher bounce rates on pages equals lower organic search engine results. Keeping potential customers engaged longer is extremely important. Bounce rates remain high for pages that do not immediately and clearly depict the product to the consumer. 360 degree product spins instill a high level of customer confidence, lowering bounce rates in the process. 360 Spins can have a great effect on lowering bounces:

Capitalize on Conversions with 360 Product Photography

Crafting a page that mimics an “in-store” experience increases purchase confidence. Using 360 product spins provides dramatic sales conversion increases. 

Craft a Stronger Customer Experience Pipeline

Ultimately, the end goal of all ecomm retailers is to drive up sales.  Adobe published a study suggesting that 91% of all online customers desire the ability to view all products using 360 spins. Offering 360 degree photography using Revo Photo’s product photography services, or with Revo’s Vida Studio, is a simple way to gain a competitive advantage in the online marketplace. 

360 Product Photography Revolution Is Here

The 360 degree product photography revolution is in full swing and that is Revo Photo’s specialty.  Send us your product and we’ll quickly capture, post-process and deliver to your inbox beautiful 360 product spins. Want to use your own photographic department to spin? Revo has a comprehensive line of 360 product photography machines that we will install and train you to use. Revo has implemented 360 degree product photography workflows for hundreds of clients, including Fortune 500 organizations. We utilize a specific combination of top-quality 360 photography machines, patented technology and years of studio experience.  Revo helps customers increase web traffic and sales conversions while providing a superior, in-depth customer experience.